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horse dealer 馬販子。

horse doctor

In front of him fauchery saw the truant schoolboy half lifted from his seat by passion . curiosity led him to look at the count de vandeuvres - he was extremely pale , and his lips looked pinched - at fat steiner , whose face was purple to the verge of apoplexy ; at labordette , ogling away with the highly astonished air of a horse dealer admiring a perfectly shaped mare ; at daguenet , whose ears were blood - red and twitching with enjoyment 出于好奇心,他看看德旺德夫爾伯爵,伯爵面色蒼白,嘴唇抿得緊緊的,又看看胖子斯泰內,他那中風般的臉簡直像死人一樣,再看看拉博德特,他像一個馬販子,帶著神奇的神態用一只望遠鏡在欣賞一匹完美無缺的母馬,而達蓋內呢,兩耳漲得紅紅的,樂得搖頭晃腦。

And occasionally he gave vent to fragmentary assertions , as thus : “ he s the son of a horse dealer ; some say the illegitimate child of a countess . never a penny of income , yet always got twenty - five louis in his pocket ! footboy to the ladies of the town 他信口雌黃,說出一些沒頭腦的話來:一個馬販子的兒子,還聽一些人說是伯爵夫人的私生子,沒有任何收入,口袋里經常只有二十五個路易,娼婦們的當差,從來不睡覺的家伙。

The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt , but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars , he consented 農夫本來不打算賣他的小馬,但馬販子將幾百無錢賽到他的手中,他便同意了。

Well , i went to a horse dealer s , where i saw this magnificent horse , which i have named medeah 我到一個馬販子那兒去,看到了這匹漂亮的馬。我給它起好名子叫米狄亞。

I could not defer my pleasure , so i took a cabriolet and drove to the horse dealer s 我捺住心頭的喜悅,就跳上一輛輕便馬車,快馬加鞭,駛到馬販子那兒。

He told them not to sell any grass to the horse dealer until he had sold his 并且吩咐,在自己把草料全部賣給馬販子之前,請他們不要把草賣給馬販子。

A week later , he heard that a horse dealer was coming to the city with 500 horses to sell 一星期后,聽說一個馬販子將帶著500匹馬來這座城市賣。